
The Server class simulates the central server in a federated learning environment. It aggregates client updates, applies robust aggregation techniques, and updates the global model to ensure robustness against Byzantine attacks.

Key Features#

  • Global Model Management: Updates and maintains the global model using aggregated gradients received from clients.

  • Robust Aggregation: Integrates defensive techniques, such as Trimmed Mean and Static Clipping, to ensure resilience against malicious updates.

  • Performance Evaluation: Computes accuracy metrics on validation and test datasets to track the global model’s progress.

  • Integration: Works in conjunction with Client and ByzantineClient classes to simulate realistic federated learning scenarios.

Initialization Parameters#

param params:

dict A dictionary containing the configuration for the Server. Must include:

  • "model_name"str

    Name of the model to be used. Refer to Models for available models.

  • "device"str

    Name of the device to be used for computations (e.g., "cpu", "cuda").

  • "optimizer_name"str

    Name of the optimizer to use (e.g., "SGD", "Adam").

  • "optimizer_params"dict, optional

    Parameters for the optimizer (e.g., betas for Adam, momentum for SGD).

  • "learning_rate"float

    Learning rate for the global model optimizer.

  • "weight_decay"float

    Weight decay (L2 regularization) for the optimizer.

  • "milestones"list

    List of training steps at which the learning rate decay is applied.

  • "learning_rate_decay"float

    Factor by which the learning rate is reduced at each milestone.

  • "aggregator_info"dict
    Dictionary specifying the aggregation method and its parameters:
    • "name"str

      Name of the aggregator (e.g., "TrMean").

    • "parameters"dict

      Parameters for the aggregator.

  • "pre_agg_list"list
    List of dictionaries specifying pre-aggregation methods and their parameters:
    • "name"str

      Name of the pre-aggregator (e.g., "Clipping").

    • "parameters"dict

      Parameters for the pre-aggregator.

  • "test_loader"DataLoader

    DataLoader for the test dataset to evaluate the global model.

  • "validation_loader"DataLoader, optional

    DataLoader for the validation dataset to monitor training performance.


  • aggregate(vectors) Aggregates input vectors using the configured robust aggregator.

  • update_model(gradients) Updates the global model by aggregating gradients and performing an optimization step.

  • step() Executes a single optimization step for the global model.

  • get_model() Retrieves the current global model.

  • compute_validation_accuracy() Computes accuracy on the validation dataset.

  • compute_test_accuracy() Computes accuracy on the test dataset.


import torch
from import DataLoader
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
from byzfl import Client, Server, ByzantineClient

# Define data loader using MNIST
transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5,), (0.5,))])
test_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root="./data", train=False, download=True, transform=transform)
test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=64, shuffle=False)

# Define pre-aggregators and aggregator
pre_aggregators = [{"name": "Clipping", "parameters": {"c": 2.0}}, {"name": "NNM", "parameters": {"f": 1}}]
aggregator_info = {"name": "TrMean", "parameters": {"f": 1}}

# Define server parameters
server_params = {
    "device": "cpu",
    "model_name": "cnn_mnist",
    "test_loader": test_loader,
    "optimizer_name": "Adam",
    "optimizer_params": {"betas": (0.9, 0.999)},
    "learning_rate": 0.01,
    "weight_decay": 0.0005,
    "milestones": [10, 20],
    "learning_rate_decay": 0.5,
    "aggregator_info": aggregator_info,
    "pre_agg_list": pre_aggregators,

# Initialize the Server
server = Server(server_params)

# Example: Aggregation and model update
gradients = [...]  # Collect gradients from clients
print("Test Accuracy:", server.compute_test_accuracy())


  • The server is designed to be resilient against Byzantine behaviors by integrating pre-aggregation and aggregation techniques.

  • Accuracy evaluation is built-in to monitor the model’s progress throughout the simulation.

class byzfl.Server(params)[source]#

Bases: ModelBaseInterface



Aggregates input vectors using the configured robust aggregator.

param vectors:

A collection of input vectors.

type vectors:

list or np.ndarray or torch.Tensor


Aggregated output vector.



Computes the accuracy of the global model on the test dataset.


float – Test accuracy.



Computes the accuracy of the global model on the validation dataset.


float – Validation accuracy.



Retrieves the current global model.


torch.nn.Module – The current global model.



Performs a single optimization step for the global model.



Updates the global model by aggregating gradients and performing an optimization step.

param gradients:

List of gradients to aggregate and apply.

type gradients:
